Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Media Technology

Being that technology and social media are on the rise it has caused such a revolution in the advancing of technology. Furthermore, organization are doing their best to keep up with the changes, so that they can remain viable and within reach of their target. Nevertheless, determining who your target audience is one of the key elements into effective communication. When your audience has been made known, then the most appropriate medium in which you should communicate to your audience will be determined. Moreover, there are several forms of media technology, however in this paper I would like to discuss print media, web conferencing, smart phones, and blogs.

Print Media
With the advancement of technology and with companies moving into “going green”, there has becoming an increasing demand for online versions of print media and less of demand for print media like newspaper and magazines. There are several advantages for online media, for one there is cost saving, in regards to printing and distribution. Now that print media such as magazines and newspapers are accessible online. Being that there are many benefits with having online publications more accessible from anywhere, and they are easier to search for certain topics. Having an online version on magazine, being that they can access it from their smartphone or tablet; furthermore online publication can reach larger audience where print can only reach those purchase print items, or those older adults that still rely on print media. The global communication space for sharing stories is referred to as the mediapolis, and it incorporates networked interactions mediated through digital technology and traditional media such as print media (Wessels etal. ,2012).
Web Conferencing
With the busy schedules of many busy professionals web conferencing offers options to have online meetings, webinars and online training right at your desk. With most of today’s professionals working outside of the office, utilizing web conferencing can allow individuals to take advantage of attending meetings and trainings without having to actually come into the office. You have the options to use this web base service from your computer, tablet and smartphone. According to Gartner, interest in web conferencing is at all-time high as companies look to cut costs amid global economic challenges ( Magic touch for web conferencing , 2009). Moreover, webinars are very popular nowadays especially with companies budget cutbacks. You can use web conferencing for a presentation as well as seminar and reach the same size audience as you would have for an in person training, at more reduced cost. Companies nowadays use web conferencing to train large groups of people, also they can be reviewed at a later time, by recording them, were you can go back at a more convenient time in your schedule to view. By 2011, web conferencing will be available to 75% of corporate users as a standard facility, alongside e-mail, presence, calendaring, instant messaging and other collaborative tools Magic touch for web conferencing, 2009).
Smart Phones
Smart phones have taken over; you can basically do just as much on your Smartphone as you can do on a tablet or an actual computer. It also seems that everyone has a Smartphone, so therefore you can send and receive emails and instant messaging and internet access is right at your fingertips. Smart phones users have become so attached to their smart phones. Most people use their smart phone for common daily actives such as finding the nearest bank, or keeping up with how many steps you walk throughout the day, as well as updating your Facebook status. With a smartphone you can do just about everything at your fingertips. A smart phone gives you the ability to play watch movies, create video and keep up with your daily task with calendar reminders. The younger audience, in which smart phones have totally captured the attention of, enjoys the ability to keep up with social media at an instant through their smart phones. However, smart phone has the audience attention of adults as well, especially the working adult, that just so happens to travel on business, you have your emails accessible to you. According to Arbore, A., Graziani, R., & Venturini, S smartphones; currently the most widely used multipurpose information appliances in both personal and business contexts (2014).
Lastly blogging has become so popular nowadays, some look at blogging as one’s personal thoughts and most of the time they are. However, blogs allow you to share information, and similar interest. Actually the word blog is shortened from the word weblog, which was considered as the first online diary. The first signs of blog started back in 1990’s however, there were signs of blogs that date back to 1970’s.  Blog is a website on which an author, known as a blogger, posts written entries (Blog, 2014).  It has been said that blogs have replace the handwritten journal. Blog entries are typically made on a day to day bases and are usually listed in the order in which they were received. Furthermore, blogging is a much simpler way of communicating anything you would like to, whenever you would like to. Nevertheless, there are some primary difference between blogging and keeping a written journal, for one blogging you can reach a larger audience, whereas your personal journal is mostly read by the one in who created it. However, when you look at blogs the target audience in which the blogger mostly likely are attracting is someone of similar interest. The key to a great blog is making the blog easy to navigate, and easy to read so that you will attract more returning readers. Many communication experts believe that blogs allow publishing to become more democratic, by easily allowing any Internet user to offer, news, information, and opinion online (Blog, 2014).
    Once your have discovered your target audience you can then determine your media technology. You will find that many organization will use different forms of media technologies to touch there target audience in which they are trying to communicate with for whatever product or service they are providing.
 Arbore, A., Graziani, R., & Venturini, S. (2014). Understanding Personal Mobile Technologies: Decomposing and De-Averaging the Value of a Smartphone. Journal Of Information Systems, 28(1), 167-185. doi:10.2308/isys-50668
Blog. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1
Magic touch for web conferencing. (2009). e.learning age, 7.
Wessels, B., Anderson, B., Durrant, A., & Ellis, J. (2012). Mediating genocide: Cultural understanding through digital and print media stories in global communication. International Journal Of Media & Cultural Politics, 8(2/3), 193-209. doi:10.1386/macp.8.2-3.193_1


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