Thursday, April 23, 2015

Stress and Anger

Stress and Anger

Explain how stress and anger affect the communication in conflict resolution situations?  First lets define what stress is According to Managing Conflict Through Communication, “Stress is experienced as a biochemical reaction within the body due to the way in which we interpret and respond to external pressures, which may be positive or negative”(pg 178). Secondly lets define anger is consider to be a strong feeling of displeasure, a synonym for antagonism and rage (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). Stress and anger can affect communication in conflict resolution situation that when you are experiencing stress or anger you are not actively listening. You are mostly not going to respond definitively due to your own emotions being involved.
Are stress and anger necessary in conflict resolution, or are they solely impediments to solving problems? Stress and anger both have parts in the conflict resolution as well as the solving problems. “Hyperstress and distress as well as frustration and anger are among the reasons people explode in overblown conflict “(Cahn & Abigail, 2014).  Nevertheless, both stress and anger can be avoided. And they can be controlled. We can practice on remove thoughts that would contribute to stress and learn to mange other sources of stress they may come our way. Communicators who create nurturing climates are more likely to create mutually satisfying outcomes. (Cahn & Abigail, 2014). 

What affect have stress and anger played in your professional conflict resolutions experiences?

The affect stress and anger has played on my professional conflict resolution experience is that you can’t stress about other people and their actions. You can only worry about things you have control over and they taking on things that you cannot control in the workplace can cause you to become stressed out. I had to learn this the hard way, in my current position; I am so big on change and what I had to realize a lot of people do not like change.

Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014). Managing conflict through communication (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teresa,

    I really liked reading this post about stress and anger. Learning how to cope with stress and anger in communications was one of the most valuable lessons I think we learned. It is not only important to learn how to deal with your own emotions, but also other individuals.

    Your blog is very visually appealing. The minty green is easy on the eye and makes reading everything super simple. I think the use of graphics is also great! I may need to steal that idea myself. The only critique I have is that it would be cool to see something you did in one of your other courses either as a graphic or a PowerPoint.

